
In response to the lethal virus COVID-19, India had been following a lockdown that began in late March 2020. In addition, as a result of the second wave in 2021 a strong closure was imposed. Now that the situation is under control, the Indian government has begun allowing management to reopen schools after school closures. Of course, keeping the law of “social distancing” and “sanitization” mandatory. As schools begin to reopen, children may experience a range of emotions. Going back to school will be welcoming and enjoyable for some students, while others will feel anxious or nervous.

Here’s what you can do to help your children deal with the complex emotions they may be experiencing and set them free for the new school environment.

# 1: Talk about how they feel

After visiting hundreds of online learning sessions, your children may already be familiar with e-learning strategies. On the other hand, they may feel confused and disturbed because of the universal lockdown effect. Those under the age of 8 or 9 may not even understand what is happening so far. Therefore, help them to understand that this is normal and that you and their teachers are there to support them. As a responsible parent, sit with them and try to ask them questions such as –

“Do you miss going to school?”

“Are you worried?”

“Do you have questions about the situation around you?”

Try not to dismiss the minor concern or tell them not to ask such questions. Let them express their feelings — and listen to what they have to say.

# 2: Make Them Comfortable With The New Normal

As mentioned, your children go through many stages of educational development. Previously, when they were comfortable with the traditional teaching methodology, we pushed them into digital classes where they learned to read online. And now that the situation is a little under control, they need to go back to school. You need to explain the real situation to your children. Do not allow them to make decisions based on their “imagined reasonings”! Tell them the truth as it is. Help them understand the new “Normal”, let them know about the effects of the virus and keep them and the other children in their class safe when they return to school. Explain to them why keeping “away from the crowd and maintaining social distancing”, “using a mask” and “sanitization” are important when they return to school.

Help them with basic hygiene rules such as – washing your hands for 20 seconds, eating home-cooked lunch, drinking water from their water bottles, avoiding crowded school places, following a school schedule, and strictly adhering to teacher guidelines. Help your child mentally prepare for a new study environment. Ask them to keep 6 feet distance from the other children when they return to school after the closure.

# 3: Take It Slow

Now that your children are accustomed to having “a comfortable home life”, they may find it difficult to return to school. After spending adequate time with you and other family members, they may tend to behave differently or appear to be moving away from home. Therefore, these ideas can help:

  • Be optimistic and energetic about your child going back to school. This sends your child a positive message that he or she will deal with it and be happy when he or she returns to school.
  • Give your child some control. For example, ask what they want for lunch at school or what they want to do after school.
  • Get regular exercise or breathing exercises with your child to calm them down when they feel anxious.

# 4: Focus on Their Welfare Rather Than Their Academic Standards

After a long gap, your children will join the school post covid era. They will probably take some time to get into the deep thought of education. While the school will be taking care of regular tests and examinations, you should stay calm and tranquilif the marks drop altogether. Give them time to settle down. Right now, above all, your child’s well-being should come first!